So it’s time for you to find out how to export in DaVinci Resolve? Well, you are in the right place. I’ll tell you everything you need to know about exporting in this video editing software and what your options are when it comes to it. Here, you can even see what video and audio file formats DaVinci Resolve supports.
Without further ado, let’s get to it. I’m going to assume that you already finished your project, but you need to also export it, maybe to post it online or send it to a client.
I’m going to assume you already edited your video and maybe added text in DaVinci Resolve, so I’ll show you the different ways of exporting!
1: Exporting your project file
Find the “Export Project” button. You can find it by clicking on “File” in the upper left corner of the screen and then choosing “Export Project”. For this, you can also click on “Ctrl-E” on your keyboard.

You will be prompted with a file explorer saving screen, where you can save your project with a .drp extension, which is the standard DaVinci Resolve extension. You can use this in order to save the original files of your project and have something to come back to later.
2: Export a quick video from DaVinci Resolve
With DaVinci Resolve, you can also “Quick Export” your videos. You can find it by:
- Click on “Edit” in the top-left corner of the app
- Click on “Quick Export”
DaVinci Resolve has this amazing feature where you can connect your YouTube or Vimeo account and post the videos directly from your project screen, a thing that is very useful for vloggers in general.
If you don’t want to export to YouTube or Vimeo, you can choose the classic H.264 format, which will export a .mp4 file that you can use anywhere.
Before exporting, the program will tell you all the stats you need to know, from the length of your video to the size and audio channels.
Learn how to export an image from a video in DaVinci Resolve.

3: Exporting video as a file
Now, this is where things get a little complex.
1. Open The “Deliver” Tab
You can go to the “Deliver” tab by choosing it from the bottom of the screen.

2. Choose your format
You are going to be prompted with a lot of options in the Render Settings. You can export in the custom size of the video, or in a YouTube, Vimeo, MP4 or Prores format.
Make sure the format you choose matches the format of your videos. MP4 is the most popular web standard format as of today.

3. Name your project
In the next step, you need to name your project and select where you want to save it.
From the same tab, you can also select if you want to export a single clip or multiple clips, and you can also choose if you want to export the audio or not.

4. Add to the Render Queue
Now, all you need to do is choose the format, resolution, and frame rate and then add your video to the “Render Queue”. You will be required to select a folder to save the temporary files for the render.

5. Render
When you’re done, simply click on “Start Render” on the right side of the screen.

The method you use will depend on the purpose of your project. If you want to send the project to someone else or have a backup in case something happens, choose the first method and safely store the .drp file on an external hard drive or cloud.
If you want to post it to social media, choose the “Quick Export” feature and have the video ready in a few seconds, or fully customize your export!
Now you know how to export in DaVinci Resolve, and you even have three methods of doing so.
Best settings to use
For web
The best and most popular format to use on the web is MP4. It’s the best compression and file size to use for most web applications.
For top quality
Use Quicktime ProRes. It’s the professional standard in the film industry. ProRes was created by Apple and is completely uncompressed. It provides top quality for all broadcast standards, but it does come in large file sizes.